Statistikk og Simulering

Praktisk info


1.2. Pensum

Frede Frisvold and Jan Gunnar Moe: Statistikk for Ingeniører

Alt innhald frå kompendiet (desse sidene), undervisingstimane og øvingane er pensum. Heile statistikkboka er pensum med nokre unntak.

1.2.1. Annan anbefalt literatur

Barnes and Kölling: Objects First with Java. A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ

Although focusing on a more fundamental topic, Barnes and Kölling uses a predator/prey model in one extended example. Thus the book may be useful both to refresh object-oriented modelling and programming skills, and as a source of inspiration when implementing predator/prey models.

(Page references are given wrt the fifth edition.)

Angela B. Shiflet and George W. Shiflet: Introduction to Computational Science: Modeling and Simulation for the Sciences

We will draw many ideas for simulation projects from this book, which has a much wider scope than the module. It may be useful to have this book to cover theory concerning simulation.

Gouri K. Bhattacharyya and Richard A. Johnson: Statistical Concepts and Methods

This is a classic, introductory textbook in statistics, more thorough than Frisvold and Moe. It is a useful alternative to the corebook if you either want more depth or prefer English over Norwegian.